Bits & Pieces | 2014 New Year’s Resolutions

January 1, 2014
coco and vera, top vancouver style blog, bits and pieces, new years resolutions, 2014, shop less choose well

51 comments so far.

51 responses to “Bits & Pieces | 2014 New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. Happy New Year, Cee! I wish you to achieve all of the above and stick to your plan all your long! :))


  2. LyddieGal says:

    These are some wonderful resolutions Cee, and not just things to think about in January, but to never once stop thinking about. I know you can do anything, so never stop dreaming big!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. Liesa says:

    Love these goals you've set for 2014, very achievable! I would also like to buy less, but buy better and read even more. Good luck! xx

  4. Caro * says:

    Ah les fameuses résolutions de début d'année… Je n'arrive jamais à les tenir ! Tout comme toi, il faudrait que je lise plus et que j'achète moins mais mieux !
    Je te souhaite une excellente année 2014 ma belle, pleine de bonheur, d'amour, de réussite et surtout la santé aussi, bisous 🙂

  5. Happy NEW Year!!! Wish you the best for this 2014, thanking for the great support during last year!
    Have a beautiful day

  6. (Follow you now in Instagram too,!)

  7. Cara says:

    Happy 2014!!

    It is always so nice to start a new year, good on you for getting some resolutions down!

    I agree – Home is definitely where you make it, so exciting you are heading back to Paris so soon!

    xo Cara

  8. Kim Alston says:

    HAHA! I love these Cee. They are totally doable. Wishing you all the best.

  9. Pooja Mittal says:

    I need to buy less this year too
    Happy 2014

  10. I want all of these to be my resolutions as well – especially the one re colours and reading. I always that when I graduated with the PhD and didn't have so much scholarship to read that I'd miraculously have all this free time to read what I wanted to but it just doesn't seem to have happened that way…

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  11. I love the layout dear, so fun to read this
    hope the best for you
    Happy New Year 😀

  12. Love your color choices and I wore a white sequined skirt last night I'm sure he would love it and next month I have family coming from Paris very exciteded!

    Allie of Allie NYC

  13. These are amazing goals! I'm 100% with you on buying better and dreaming bigger!! I'm excited that you're visiting Paris again! You always seem so happy when you go there! Happy New Year!
    Sincerely, Sara

  14. HiFashion says:

    Great resolutions. I'm embracing the 4 colours I like wearing too, instead of buying colourful and pretty pieces that I know I'm not going to wear.

  15. Dear Cee, happy New Year to you too! Let your dreams come true and of course have fun in Paris in March. Love, Xenia

  16. Francy -Stef says:

    Happy New Year!!!
    Chic With The Least
    Also on Facebook , Bloglovin’ and What I Wear

  17. Lilli says:

    Hi Cee! Happy 2014! Love your resolutions, I share them too!:) May you realize them all! Bisous dear, hope you had a big blast and all the happinss in the world is waiting for you in this new year!:) xo

  18. JennaStevie says:

    Great goals Cee!! I definitely want to buy less but better too, it's great to have quality pieces that will last for a long time 🙂

  19. LRB says:

    So agree with 'buy less but buy better', quality is everything for 2014.

  20. Giancarlo says:

    Metti la mano sinistra sulla spalla destra e la mano destra sulla spalla sinistra.
    Hai appena ricevuto un abbraccio a distanza. Buon 2014.

  21. Laura says:

    Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true sweetie!

  22. Rebecca Jane says:

    Happy 2014! I love this list of goals for the new year. I am so with you on the buy less-buy better one, quality over quantity is better every time.

  23. AEKK Charms says:

    Nice pics! Love these styles! They all look genius!
    Thanks for your sharing and posting!
    Have a nice day!

  24. I think these are wonderful resolutions. Cheers to a wonderful 2014!

  25. Simera H says:

    Fabulous resolutions doll. Happy New Year.

  26. Maiken says:

    what a great post, Cee! I don't make any big resolutions myself but I love reading others' thoughts and resolutions and why not follow some of those. for example your resolutions are definitely worth following. especially the ones about fabrics, buying, favourite colours and dreaming and making those dreams reality. I felt those could really be the ones I would like to follow this year so thank you for the ideas 🙂

    Maikeni blogi – part of me

  27. Moi aussi je vais faire l'effort d'apprendre de nouvelles recettes 🙂 !
    Belle journée à toi et bonne année 🙂


  28. Wonderful plans, Cee! Happy new year, sweetheart! x

  29. Wonderful resolutions! Paris in March, how amazing!

  30. Sophie S says:

    lovely blog post dear. thank you for your last comment on my blog it's amazing. I wish you a happy new year filed with much of love, peace and joy. xo

  31. Constance Al says:

    Une très belle année à toi ma belle <3 gros bisous !!!

  32. These are great resolutions. I've decided to read more too, and learning a new recipe isn't such a bad idea. Here's to 2014!

    xo Ashley

  33. Eline says:

    Happy new year! Your resolutions are great: i think more people should think like this!

  34. ahh Cee this is a lovely post! You've definitely covered some of my resolutions for the next year.. especially the buy better one! I'm not sure I'll be able to completely do without manmade fabrics but I'm definitely making a more conscious effort to invest in pieces that will last. Strangely enough I've just posted about that tonight!

    Hannah xx

  35. Hey Cee,

    Happy New Year! What a lovely way to present your new year's resolution. I think a couple of them are on my list too: the buy less and dream big

  36. ooops I accidentally pressed the publish before I finished, I meant to say I don't doubt for a second that you will achieve them all this year – I hope you do. I haven't made a resolution list as such, but I have set myself some short to medium term goals – good luck to us. x

  37. me again, I'm finally on Instagram, I'll follow you, would love for you to follow me back – I'm a newbie. Thanks Cee x

  38. Asta says:

    Happy New Year Cee. May all your wish come true ! 🙂

    Cactus and Cucumber

  39. Lauren says:

    Happy New Year Cee! These are some great resolutions. I esp love the first one. Embrace what makes you happy! And it's exciting to hear you are going back to Paris in March. That is amazing. This year I want to travel more and dream big. I am really feeling the nudge to leave the corporate gig and just do something fun and what makes me happy. xo

  40. Love these practical resolutions/goals, and I think it's always a good idea to try to buy less, which is why I enjoy making pieces from time to time. You are totally Parisian to me! Happy 2014 Cee! 🙂 /Madison xx

  41. You made a good list! =) have fun and happy new year!


  42. Keit says:

    Basically your New Year's resolutions are just like mine 😀

  43. Come back to Paris dear ? We'll be waiting !

  44. Catie Beatty says:

    That is exactly how I feel about England. It's so hard to explain sometimes.

  45. P.S. What dates are you in Paris in March?

  46. how happy am i right now to have time to catch up on all your goodness 🙂 between the holidays, going off grid to the Island and running around like crazy people i haven't had much time leftover to enjoy blog surfing. well, that all ends today! what an amazing kick off to a brand New Year. Happiest 2014 lades, wishing you + Ian all the very best throughout the next 12 months!!! back to Paris in March? oh Cee, that's great to hear, plus all your other plans sure do fill any heart with joy. xo ♥

  47. Cee says:

    Thank-you so much for all your sweet comments, girls! Happy 2014!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

