The Quiet Part

January 28, 2019

Top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera wears a Mango checked blazer and Raye the Label black patent bootsPortrait of top Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera wearing Zara cat eye sunglasses and a Mango blazerTop Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera sits on the stairs of the Manitoba Legislature wearing Grlfrnd blue jeans and a Le Chateau black turtleneck sweaterOutfit details on top Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera, including a Wolf Circus Monet necklace and Mango checked blazerTop Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera wears Grlfrnd blue jeans and Raye the Label patent bootsMango blazer (similar)
Le Chateau sweater (c/o) (similar)
Grlfrnd jeans (c/o REVOLVE)
Raye boots (c/o REVOLVE) (similar)
Celine handbag
Zara belt (similar)
Zara sunglasses (similar)
Elizabeth Lyn Jewelry necklace (similar)
Wolf Circus necklace (similar)
Madewell rings
Vintage ring (similar)

Mango earrings
Location: Manitoba Legislative Building – Winnipeg, Manitoba

We’ve officially reached the quietest part of January – the last sleepy week of what is already the most mundane month of the year. For the most part, Christmas bills are paid, new year’s resolutions are a few weeks forgotten and, with the notable exception of people who love winter sports, we’re all just waiting for this first long month of the year to end so we can get on with our lives.

…or is that just me? It can’t be.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate a few quiet weeks to get caught up on life after the hectic holiday season. I do. I’ve sorted my photo archives and laughed at every one of the questionable eyebrow-related decisions I’ve made since 2009. (There have been a lot of them.) I’ve read seventeen books, which may well be more than I’ll have time for in the rest of the months of the year put together. With few plans and hours of free time, I’ve managed to write a tentative schedule for every day of our Paris trip – you know, to make sure I get to all the stores I want to shop at while we’re there. And made an elaborate Google map of all of it, because why not? I’ve had the time, after all.

But now it’s January twenty-eighth and I am officially over quiet. The days spent in my pyjamas are dragging. I’ve watched everything on Netflix that I could possibly be interested in seeing, and a few things that I now know were little more than hours of my life I will never get back. I’m ready to move on, but this quiet month isn’t over yet. There are still four more long days to go.

In past years, I’ve spent most of January complaining about January and everything that makes me dislike it. It’s too long, it’s too cold, it’s too dark… I could go on. I have gone on – frequently and with feeling. Part of the reason for all of those complaints, if I’m honest, is simply that I’ve lacked anything more meaningful to talk about because so little happens in the first thirty-one days of each year. This year, I think I’ve done a reasonably good job of keeping my complaints to a minimum, but as of today, I’m done with it. January, with its freezing temperatures and endless days of quiet contemplation, is my least favourite month and I am absolutely ready for it to end.

February start on Friday, which means Paris is less than a month away. There is so much to come that I’m excited about and, while I’m not wishing my life away, per se, I am ready for the fun to begin!

6 comments so far.

6 responses to “The Quiet Part”

  1. I used to be the same way and complain about the winter months to no end, but I think this year I have not even realized the year changed at one point. I am doing quite okay with dealing with the cold and winter. But ask me again in a week’s time. I am sure my resolve with break. Haha ….I love the boots and those jeans fit you fabulously.


  2. Courtney says:

    Like you I am also so done with January. It really does just drag on, doesn’t it? Absolutely nothing is happening except me going to work and then watching way too much TV in my down time. I’m ready for better things…

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. Sarah Winton says:

    I have similar feelings about January, but I feel kind of guilty about disliking it because it’s my birthday month. I can’t wait for your Paris content!

  4. Lyddiegal says:

    It sounds like you’ve had a pretty good January, as Januarys go. 17 Books is impressive, I tasked myself with one and lost interest in the first chapter. I’ve managed to plan only one thing I want to do while I’m in California, and feel like a bit of a failure for not having done more this month. I guess even if I get myself away from all the things I hate about the first month of the year, it will always be what it is.
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. I’m on the hunt for new boots and yours are SO good!!! <3 Hoping to find the perfect ankle ones + OTK ones too. After an uninspired fashion month… I'm ready to dive in and create all the outfits. Yay, yay!! Also, right there with you – excited for Feb, longer days and more adventures. I've loved having a quieter month but I'm looking forward to getting out more and mixing up my routine. Wishing you a fabulous week ahead!! xo (life + style blog)

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

