Before the World Opened Official Launch

August 24, 2018

Top Winnipeg Fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera asks you to save the date for the launch of her new novel, Before the World OpenedWriting has an indescribably contradictory quality, wherein actually doing it – the hours spent putting pen to paper, struggling over exactly the right adjective for a particular sentence – feels like hard work, but once a project is finished and becomes a real, tangible book, printed and bound so that I can hold the proof of my labour in my hands, it feels entirely surreal. I still look at After the Shots and Before the World Opened and, despite remembering every paragraph I agonised over for hours, part of me can’t believe it was me who wrote them. But I am undeniably thrilled every time I realise that I did. All of the work that went into both books is worthy of celebration, as far as I’m concerned, so it is my absolute pleasure to invite you all to the official launch of Before the World Opened next month.

Date: September 9, 2018
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: McNally Robinson – Grant Park location
1120 Grant Avenue, Winnipeg
I know that you live all over the world and it is the magical connectivity of internet that brings us all together, but if you’re in the Winnipeg area, I would absolutely love to see you there on the big day. For more information, you can visit the event website.
1 comments so far.

One response to “Before the World Opened Official Launch”

  1. Cee this is SO exciting and wonderful, and as always, I’m so proud of your amazing accomplishment. In fact, I’m re-reading your first book (enjoying it immensely) and then starting on book two. Yay!! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you, but as always, we’ll have to do our cheers over Skype!! xo

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

