Les Portes de Paris

April 5, 2017

The fact that the #lesportesdeparis hashtag hasn’t taken off in the same way as #ihavethisthingwithfloors has on instagram boggles my mind – there are more posts under #doorsofparis, it’s true, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it, and there still aren’t nearly enough. Parisian doors are works of art, ornately carved and beautifully lacquered in an array of vibrant colours that contrast with the creamy shade of the local buildings. They are heavy and impractical, so much so that I admit I’m glad to live in a newer building now, which means I don’t have to heft one every time I go in and out of my home, but the sheer weight of them, their imposing size, is part of their charm for me. I absolutely insist that Ian photograph beautiful doors when we’re out on walks – it happens pretty much everyday, so this is just a fraction of all the door photos we’ve collected since we’ve been in Paris this time, never mind how many snapshots we’ve taken over the years. In other words, this post is probably the beginning of a reoccurring series that, as appreciators of beautiful things, I think you’ll all love as much as I do.

Le fait que #lesportesdeparis ne soit pas aussi populaire sur instagram que #ihavethisthingwithfloors me laisse perplexe – nous trouvons plus de photos si nous recherchons #doorsofparis, c’est vrai, mais ça ne sonne pas aussi bien, et en plus, le nombre de photos reste petit. Les portes de Paris sont des oeuvres d’art, richement taillées et joliment laquées, souvent de couleurs vives qui se démarquent des nuances crème des immeubles de la ville. Elles sont lourdes et impratiques, tant et si bien que je suis prête à avouer que je me crois chanceuse d’habiter un immeuble plus neuf qui a des grilles à la place des grosses portes, et cependant, leur lourdeur et leur grandeur imposant font partie de leur charme. J’exige qu’Ian prenne en photo toutes les belles portes que nous trouvons lors de nos balades en ville – nous avons donc des nouveaux clichés presque chaque jour et je ne vous dévoile qu’une petite portion de notre collection aujourd’hui. Ces photos datent tous de cette année et ne comptent pas les centaines que nous avons prises depuis notre premier voyage à Paris en amoureux il y a huit ans. Autrement dit, j’imagine que cet article soit le début une série, voire même une rubrique, dédiée aux portes de Paris – et en tant qu’appréciatrices de tout ce qui est joli, j’espère que vous allez l’aimer autant que moi.

6 comments so far.

6 responses to “Les Portes de Paris”

  1. Courtney says:

    I’ve surprised that hasn’t taken off as an Instagram hashtag either….these are truly stunning.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Kim Alston says:

    Cee, those doors are absolutely breathtaking! My favorite is the second to last one. GORGEOUS! I have to look on Instagram under these hashtags. I can only imagine the inside of these homes.

  3. Lorena says:

    So common and beautiful. The carvings, the colours, the metal accessories…
    Parisians are probably so use to them that they don’t see them … tends to happen. What a great set.

  4. lyddiegal says:

    You’re right – these doors do deserve more love, and they are just so grand! I’m a sucker for a turquoise door any day.

  5. Oh my, will you look at all those beautiful doors! Absolutely stunning, all of them, and I could seriously handle all of these printed & framed in my office… in fact, I think I might have a thing with doors over floors! Love this post Cee and LOVE that you’re taking in all that Parisian beauty!! xo


  6. Mica says:

    They are such beautiful doors! 🙂 I’d love to be able to go to Paris and just walk around and explore and see all of the beautiful doors! 🙂

    Hope you are having a really good week.

    Away From The Blue Blog

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

