
February 9, 2011
On Sunday, my husband and I took the train to Lille to see a performance of Mozart: l’Opera Rock. This was a big deal to me because I discovered the musical the last time we were in France and thought I had missed my chance to see it… until I found out that it had been such a success that it’s still running! It didn’t really occur to me what that meant about the success of the musical, though. Mozart: l’Opera Rock (and particularly its male stars) has super-fans like ‘N Sync used to… girls who burst into tears at the very sight of them; who wait outside of their hotel holding up home-made We love you posters; who have undoubtedly plastered their bedroom walls with collectible posters and ticket stubs. Even when I was the right age for it, I was never that girl- all the posters on my bedroom wall were torn out of Vogue– so I couldn’t help but find it a bit funny. The musical was good, don’t get me wrong… But not that good.

Lille is a cute city; the old town is all narrow, cobbled streets and houses with brightly coloured doors. But if you’re going to visit, I’d recommend going during the week- almost everything in town was closed on Sunday except for the weekend market.
We’re in our last week of our holiday now, sadly… But there’s still more excitement to come; tonight we’re going to see a soccer match between France and Brasil. And I promise some actual fashion photos are coming soon.
7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Lille”

  1. What a nice trip! It seems you're having a great time in Paris with your husband! So romantic=)

  2. Miksu says:

    I got somekind of thing with trains, so I love the first photo! 😀


  3. Gorgeous! I see you've picked up an awesome Z&V hat which was the first thing I noticed when I started reading!! Also, you know how much I love chocolat chaud so I got a little jealous there for only a second 🙂

  4. freesia says:

    OMG Cee I'm so lost on your posts, Im so happy that you finally are on your dreamed trip, you look fantastic !!!

  5. Ramona says:

    Oh, You absolutely rock that hat! It's so perfect for You, it's like it had made just for You!
    So happy for You and reading all your posts I feel I'm in Paris as well!
    Have fun hun and take care!
    xoxo Ra

  6. Kassandra says:

    Hi! Nice blog!!! I follow you, hope you do the same!

  7. Cee says:

    My darlings, thank-you so much for all of your sweet comments.

    @Miksu… I love trains, too! They're much less common here in North America; the first time I rode one was when I travelled to France with my high school, so to me there's something really magical and fun about them, because I only have a chance to ride them when I'm on holiday 🙂

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

